our company...

We're small, and we like working with other small companies.

Joe Makowiec

Joe is an industrial engineering graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Although he hasn't worked in the field in a number of years, he likes to note that engineering is more a way of thinking about problems than a job. He'll apply that problem solving background to develop the ideal website for you.

we're located...

We're located in New York State's beautiful Capital District, just a few miles outside Troy, New York. But because the internet is a global medium, we've done work for companies located from Albany to Australia.

spare time...

In his spare time, Joe visits online web development forums, where in addition to learning a little bit every day, he helps other web developers with problems ranging from how to build a basic page to vexing database problems.

In addition, he's a beta tester for Project Seven, a developer of Dreamweaver extensions and high-class page packs.

you never know

Back in the 1980s Joe was an editor on RPI's student newspaper, The Polytechnic. He wrote a review of a performance by local band, Blotto. When he needed to research Blotto for another site, he found that review posted on Blotto's website!